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Home11 Best Practices for Designing MQTT Message Topics
21 Jan

11 Best Practices for Designing MQTT Message Topics

Here are 11 best practices for designing MQTT message topics;

1) Omit Leading Forward Slash in Topics: Avoid using a leading forward slash (e.g., /myfactory/packaging/filler) in MQTT topics as it adds an unnecessary top-level topic and can cause confusion.

2) No Spaces in MQTT Topics: Spaces can complicate readability and debugging. Use continuous strings without spaces or unusual characters to enhance clarity.

3) Short and Concise Topics: Keep MQTT topics brief to reduce network load and resource usage, vital for devices with limited resources.

4) Use ASCII Characters Only: Stick to ASCII characters in MQTT topics for consistency and to avoid issues with non-ASCII characters that may display incorrectly.

5) Include Unique Identifiers in Topics: Embed a unique identifier or client ID in the topic for better message tracking and control over publishing permissions.

6) Avoid Wildcard Subscriptions (#): Instead of subscribing to all messages with wildcards, which can overwhelm clients, use MQTT broker extensions for tasks like database persistence.

7) Design for Extensibility: Create topic structures that allow for future expansion and new functionalities without major changes to the overall hierarchy.

8) Use Specific Topics: Distinguish between different data streams with specific topics instead of general ones, enhancing clarity and enabling advanced MQTT features.

9) Comprehensive Documentation: Maintain detailed documentation of MQTT topics, including their purpose and guidelines, for smoother team collaboration.

10) Continuous Improvement: Regularly update and optimize your topic structure based on feedback and changing needs to maintain efficient MQTT communication.

11) Security Considerations: Protect sensitive information in topic names, and implement robust access controls and authentication for secure MQTT communications.

Until next week, take care!


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